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Category: Beat Diet – KCR/CJLY (Page 31 of 33)

The Beat Diet, February 1st
Black History Month Special: Activist Hip Hop

So usually around this year, I run through a handful of Black History Month features. Last for example, we did that Clyde Stubblefeild special after his untimely passing. So this year, I thought I’d kick thing off with a feature on activist hip hop, rap tracks with a message, that sort of thing. Lots of great tracks lurking in that sphere, and of course way more than I can fit into an hour slot, but I tried anyways. That Killer Mike song, dayum… He goes in! That one was new to me.

Too late! File removed (mp3 – 87Mb)

Side Note: Kootenay Coop Radio seems a bit more concerned with daytime swearing that CJSW ever was, and I get it, it’s and midday show now. So I’ve had to do a slight switch up on how I put the show together, sometimes putting segments together ahead of time so I can clean swears up ahead of the broadcast or having to choose different songs than I ideally would have. This show was a pretty good example. Like, in a perfect world, I really should have included NWA’s Fuck Tha Police instead of Express Yourself… And if you heard the broadcast version, you’d know that trying to clean up the Geto Boys’ Fuck A War is kind of a stupid exercise… But here at least, I can play the show in it’s original uncensored form.

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The Beat Diet, January 25th

This show’s built around Pete Rock’s sampling of the above record for Lots of Lovin. I’m often amazed by what the great hip hop producers choose as their source material, and this is a great example of that. A tiny little throwaway bar right at the end of the Ohio Players’ cover becomes this awesome hip hop song. Lovely. The rest of the show is hip hop, funk and stuff.

Too late! File removed (mp3 – 82Mb)

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