Home of the Fat Beat Diet. Cooking up some fine high-calorie beats every week.

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happy 4/20!

Here at the Fat Beat Diet, we’re not the biggest tokers – we’re a little too mellow by default. But it’s hard to deny the herb’s influence on hip hop. Here’s a few favourites.

Ricca Razor Sharp’s new project, Blades of Steel is part of a special 4/20 show down at the Blind Beggar’s pub here in town this weekend. They’re latest video for H.E.M.P. is not to be missed.

PUTS rock a party (rhyme) like no other, and even go so far as to call out their so-called smoker brethren on ‘C’Mon let’s get high’.

Possibly one of my favourite weed-flavoured tracks

Yeah… like i’d leave these guys out of this…


This happened while I was on vacation, so that might explain why I’m so late to the party on sharing this info, but I wanted to give a shout out to the Shadow Shogun blog, a great blog run by none other than DJ/Beatsmith/Producer Metawon. Though born and raised in Calgary, he now makes his home in Vancouver and somehow finds the time to create wicked music, blog, and live a normal-seeming life.

Anyways, back in April, Shadow Shogun wrote a very complimentary article about us. As thanks, I highly encourage you all to visit his site regularly, buy his music and download all the music he suggests — he’s got fine tastes in music and blogs a lot more regularly than I do, so what’s not to like?

Funding Drive!

Hi faithful listeners. It’s CJSW Funding Drive time again. If you’re not familiar with the concept, you should read the post I made about it last year, as not too much has changed.

Those of you who are familiar with the Funding Drive and are wondering what kind of tasty treats I’ll have on offer… stay tuned! I’ll be updating the blog once the goodies are all finalized.

So pledge early and pledge often.

(And by early, I mean between 10:30pm and midnight EST today!)

New (Temporary) Look!

Ok, so it was finally about time I did something with I’m not too sure what that is yet, but in the coming weeks, the vision should sharpen somewhat. Hopefully, y’all can keep checking.

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